Making Internet Visible Not Just An Invisible Concept

Hannah U
2 min readFeb 28, 2021


If I had to explain what the internet was to a young child, I would need to first compare or make it into something tangible and physical instead of starting by describing it as an extensive, and immersive idea. (This could end up generating more confusion.)The easiest way to do this would be to have them make a web out of string as an exercise. This is because the internet is visually like spider web. So much of it is interconnected, coming from the same starting point, yet also seperated by a number of invisble strings. If a user were to search for one topic alone, there would be a myriad of different platforms, sources, authors, and perspectives to pick from. Also, anyone’s opinion or imprint is just a click away no matter what their physical distance is. This would be explained by the the string used to make the web in the example. Our singular string started at one point, but as we, “clicked” in and out of different areas of the room, websites, our knowledge as well as web use grew and dispersed. The phsyical web idea could also be percieved as not only just one person’s journey, but that each individual string section would be seperate users use of the internet as others could be on it at the same time and viewing the same material. They are only a piece of the web, but everyone who uses is creates the entirety of the web.

