Terms of Service Reflection

Hannah U
2 min readMar 13, 2021


There are so many grains of sand on the beach…How many grains of sand are we connected to by agreeing to terms and conditions on and beyond online platforms?- Photo courtesty of @postebymach on Unsplash

Because of the fast pace of our lives today, there never seems to be enough time to read terms and conditions for websites or practically anything that could have a potential liable risk. This is for a number of reasons: we just don’t feel like taking the time, they just seem so boring, or we make the assumption that all of them no matter what organization say essentially the same thing. Especially after listening to the NPR podcast and watching the social experiment, it shows that, although these consequences were exaggerated, that not all terms and conditions are created equally. Even though they take some time, I am further understanding that clicking or signing that I agree doesn’t mean that I am are agreeing to soley one thing or the essentially the same terms as all other organizations are asking of me. There are quite a few underlying things that we as users not only need to be aware of but also need to make the decision that we actually are okay with all of the disclaimers that go with using their services. I am also learning that there are some websites that subliminally get you to agree with their terms and conditions as well. Most everything we use as consumers has strings attached, whether it be to save their own skin from a legal standpoint or to enhance the user’s experience. We just need to be more aware of what we are agreeing to. There is more information at stake than we realize, however, there are some things that we can do as users to be smarter when we are navigating these services, especially in the online world.

